Jul 29, 2016
Experts Have Increased Knowledge And Skills. This is true whether you are talking about general bookkeeping, tax accountants, your mechanic, your doctor or other business...
Jul 22, 2016
What Separates Wealthy Contractors From Poor Contractors
• It's not lack of opportunities to bid jobs or get leads
because getting leads is easy
• It's not lack of ambition because every...
Jul 15, 2016
You started your Construction Company, Handyman Business, House Builder, Specialty Contractor or another form of contracting because you wanted to be your own boss, make a lot of money and enjoy some personal freedom.
Jul 8, 2016
All Accounting Is Not Created Equal. Have you ever compared your QuickBooks Profit & Loss Report to your annual Income Tax Return and scratched your head trying to figure out why the numbers...
Jul 1, 2016
As the economy is improving in mid-2016, we are seeing a disturbing trend of Business Consultants asking Contractors to make them a part owner of their Construction Companies in exchange for their services.
I had seen this...